DocSearch provides an easy way for Open Source documentations to have an instant search on their websites!
You probably have seen it in a lot of websites with the Cmd+K shortcut!
Websites like, uses it to provide an instant search to users without any backend!
As DocSearch is an additional feature for @nuxt-modules/algolia, it needs two additional dependencies:
yarn add @docsearch/js @docsearch/css
You can easily configure DocSearch usage via the docSearch
key in the module configuration.
By default, it is set to false
, which disables it and does not ship anything to your Nuxt app bundle.
// nuxt.config.tsexport default defineNuxtConfig({ algolia: { apiKey: 'apiKey', applicationId: 'applicationId', // DocSearch key is used to configure DocSearch extension. docSearch: { indexName: 'indexName', } } })
type: string
| required
Your Algolia index name.
type: string
| `default: "Search docs" | optional
The placeholder of the input of the DocSearch pop-up modal.
type: SearchParameters
| optional
The Algolia Search Parameters.
type: boolean
|default: false
| optional
Disable saving recent searches and favorites to the local storage.
type: string
| optional
The search input initial query.
type: Partial<DocSearchTranslations>
|default: docSearchTranslations
| optional
Allow translations of any raw text and aria-labels present in the DocSearch button or modal components.
const translations: DocSearchTranslations = { button: { buttonText: 'Search', buttonAriaLabel: 'Search', }, modal: { searchBox: { resetButtonTitle: 'Clear the query', resetButtonAriaLabel: 'Clear the query', cancelButtonText: 'Cancel', cancelButtonAriaLabel: 'Cancel', }, startScreen: { recentSearchesTitle: 'Recent', noRecentSearchesText: 'No recent searches', saveRecentSearchButtonTitle: 'Save this search', removeRecentSearchButtonTitle: 'Remove this search from history', favoriteSearchesTitle: 'Favorite', removeFavoriteSearchButtonTitle: 'Remove this search from favorites', }, errorScreen: { titleText: 'Unable to fetch results', helpText: 'You might want to check your network connection.', }, footer: { selectText: 'to select', selectKeyAriaLabel: 'Enter key', navigateText: 'to navigate', navigateUpKeyAriaLabel: 'Arrow up', navigateDownKeyAriaLabel: 'Arrow down', closeText: 'to close', closeKeyAriaLabel: 'Escape key', searchByText: 'Search by', }, noResultsScreen: { noResultsText: 'No results for', suggestedQueryText: 'Try searching for', reportMissingResultsText: 'Believe this query should return results?', reportMissingResultsLinkText: 'Let us know.', }, },};
type: string
| optional
The facetFilters to use in your search parameters. This is local shorthand and provided by @nuxtjs/algolia
This will be overwritten if you add facetFilters
into your searchOptions
type: string
|default: 'language'
| optional
The language to prefix all your facetFilters with. This will be overwritten if you add facetFilters
into your searchOptions
object. This is local shorthand and provided by @nuxtjs/algolia
type: string
| optional
Default language to be used on the Algolia DocSearch client.
If defined, @nuxtjs/algolia
will add an additional filter to the facetFilters array like this:
const facetFilters = [ `${options.langAttribute}:${options.lang}`, ...options.facetFilters]
For example, with the following configuration:
// nuxt.config.tsexport default defineNuxtConfig({ algolia: { docSearch: { // ... other options lang: 'en', facetFilters: ['category:Book'] } } })
The facetFilters
sent by @nuxtjs/algolia
will look like this:
['language:en', 'category:Book']
You can easily add the component anywhere in your app like this:
<template> <AlgoliaDocSearch /></template>
The component will use the configuration values declared in nuxt.config.ts
You can pass the configuration directly to the component as well if it's more convenient for you, like this:
<template> <AlgoliaDocSearch applicationId="appId" apiKey="key" indexName="indexName" placeholder="Search" :searchParameters="{}" :disableUserPersonalization="false" initialQuery="" :translations="{}" /></template>
and as a component prop, the latter takes precedence.These options are only available as component props.
type: function
|default: items => items
| optional
Receives the items from the search response, and is called before displaying them. Should return a new array with the same shape as the original array. Useful for mapping over the items to transform, and remove or reorder them.
<template> <AlgoliaDocSearch :transform-items="(items) => { return => ({ ...item, content: item.content.toUpperCase(), })); }" /></template>
type: ({ hit, children }) => JSX.Element
|default: Hit
| optional
The component to display each item.
See the default implementation.
type: function
|default: searchClient => searchClient
| optional
Useful for transforming the Algolia Search Client, for example to debounce search queries:
<template> <AlgoliaDocSearch :transform-search-client="transformSearchClient" /></template><script setup lang="ts">import type { SearchClient } from 'algoliasearch'import type { DocSearchProps } from 'docsearch'const transformSearchClient: DocSearchProps['transformSearchClient'] = (searchClient) => { return { ...searchClient, search: debounce(, 5000) } as SearchClient}function debounce (func: (...args: unknown[]) => unknown, wait = 100) { let lastTimeout = null return function (...args) { const that = this return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (lastTimeout) { clearTimeout(lastTimeout) } lastTimeout = setTimeout(() => { lastTimeout = null Promise.resolve(func.apply(that, args)).then(resolve).catch(reject) }, wait) }) }}</script>
type: Navigator
| optional
An implementation of Algolia Autocomplete’s Navigator API to redirect the user when opening a link.
Learn more on the Navigator API documentation.
type: ({ query: string }) => string
| optional
Function to return the URL of your documentation repository.
<template> <AlgoliaDocSearch :get-missing-results-url="getMissingResultsUrl" /></template><script setup lang="ts">import type { DocSearchProps } from 'docsearch'const getMissingResultsUrl: DocSearchProps['getMissingResultsUrl'] = ({ query }) => { return `${query}`;}</script>
If you want to theme the component, you can use these files as a reference for available variables/classes:
The components gets shipped with @docsearch/css
which is the default theme from Algolia.